Friday 15 February 2013

Link: Melody- Structure and Scales

Within the first couple bars, Debussy’s use of the pentatonic scale was noticed.
(Pentatonic Scale: C#, D#, F#, G#, A#)

Ostinatos and/or motifs in both Pagodes and Udan Mas are used quite similarly and repetitively. In Udan Mas, the main melody is repeated multiple times, however they are slightly variated, which is a common occurrence in gamelan music. The main melody is provided through a group of metallophones while the other instruments create soft and loud variations. The gong announces the start and the end of each melodic pattern. In Pagodes, the motif reciprocates the resonance of the gamelan through the use of pedal, various changes in dynamics and the sense of flow present in the melody. Did you notice while listening to Pagodes that the bass notes even sound very similar to the gong in Udan Mas? Maybe Debussy was trying to evoke that kind of an effect!

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