Sunday 17 February 2013


Finally, we have reached the end! Although Udan Mas and Pagodes have many similarities, it is undeniable that the two pieces are different in many ways as well. Considering they are two completely different genres, this is not entirely surprising. While listening to both pieces they sound entirely different, Pagodes offers a more serene, calm fluidity provided by the pedal and the use of a piano, while Udan Mas does not provide the same effect due to the use of idiophones in the Gamelan. Pagodes is also a much more complex piece in terms of variations and sections while Udan Mas is much simpler yet more repetitive. The differences between the two pieces are truly endless.  In the end, although very different in most aspects,there are undeniable musical links between the two pieces; structurally, in texture and melodically. This goes to show how two very different genres. can truly be very similar indeed. I hope you learned as much as I did investigating these two pieces! 

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