Friday 8 February 2013

Welcome! Introduction!

Welcome to my blog! I am here to provide little pieces of insight on 2 very different musical genres and my comparison of the two. Each day I will post a little bit of information on these two genres and why I believe they can be musically linked. From the title, you can probably already guess which genres I have decided to investigate, Impressionism in music and Gamelan music. 

Javanese Gamelan music originates in Indonesia, while impressionism originates in Europe. So what can these two completely unrelated genres possibly have in common? Surprisingly the two can have a fair bit in common. After comparing the two contrasting pieces, Debussy’s Pagodes with one of the most famous Javanese Gamelan pieces, Udan Mas, we take notice of how many similar features that exist in between the two pieces.Through careful investigation there is evidence of musical links in terms of melody, structure, texture and use of counterpoint. 

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