Wednesday 13 February 2013

Link: Structure

Now that for the past couple posts I have provided you with information about the two pieces, now it’s time for me to show you, over several posts why these two pieces are similar! Upon listening to Pagodes and Udan Mas a multitude of times, they seem to have structures that are quite similar in terms of cycles/ sections, as seen in the chart below. Pagodes does happen to have a much more complex structure, with more different ‘sub-sections’, however they do exhibit very similar traits.Both pieces employ the use of variations on the ostinatos and motifs in the repeats of sections. In Udan Mas, the elaborating instruments (to be explained in future posts), create variation through slight changes in rhythm in the gongnan repeats, while in Pagodes, counter melodies are added when the theme is repeated. Both pieces also included the presence of 2 different codas.

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