Thursday 14 February 2013

Link: Counter- point

Gamelan music features an abundance of layering of instruments, resulting in the presence of counter- melodies. The main melody in Udan Mas is accompanied by several background or secondary melodies. The bonang, gambang, gender are the instruments that provide counter-melodic variations within Udan Mas. Each melodic cycle or section (gongan) is separated by the a gong on the first beat. In Pagodes, a similar type of layering is used, creating a polyphonic texture within the piece. In several parts of the piece, a motif played in the treble clef, is countered by a melody in the bass clef. The multiple ‘voices’ created through the layering and overlapping of notes in Pagodes, creates the illusion and the effect of having several instruments, mimicking the effect of a gamelan ensemble, rather than just a single piano. Below is an example in Pagodes of where a counter- melody is present. (mm. 13-14)

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