Saturday 9 February 2013


So did you know that impressionist music was influenced by French impressionist painters, in the late 19th to mid 20th century? This movement in western art music was influenced and led by the likes of artists such as Joseph Turner, Claude Monet, and poets such as Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, and Stéphane Mallarmé. Impressionists strived to “suggest rather than depict; to mirror not the object but the emotional reaction to the object; to interpret a fugitive impression rather than to seize upon and fix the permanent reality” (Thompson 1940, 21) In music, impressionism commonly featured the use of whole-tone and pentatonic scales, parallel motions, escaped chords and included many modal influences. Along with Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel and Darius Milhaud were prominent impressionist composers.(Cheilek, 1999) I personally think it’d be pretty cool to go back in time and live in that period of time.
(Claude Monet, Impression Soleil Levant, 1872)

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